2021 job i Sønderjylland
2021 job i Sønderjylland

Monjasa Oil & Shipping Trainee, Fredericia

7000 Fredericia

Monjasa Oil & Shipping Trainee, Fredericia


Se video om Monjasa som arbejdspladsAre you ready for a career that takes you on an international adventure in the oil and shipping industry? Can you picture yourself gaining hands-on experience from day one and playing a role in the movement of the world?s fleet and advancing global trade?

You will become part of a global two-year programme that offers valuable insights into how we fuel global trade and take responsibility in the future of shipping.

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Praktisk information
Indrykket: 05 feb 2025
Udløber: 10 feb 2025
Arbejdsområde: Logistik og spedition