1865 job i Sønderjylland
1865 job i Sønderjylland

Emerging Talent Program (Graduate Program)

Nature Energy
5220 Odense SØ
Nature Energy

Emerging Talent Program (Graduate Program)

Odense SØ

As a Graduate at Nature Energy, you are part of a two-year program with rotations in three core business areas in the Nature Energy Group. You will contribute to a green future with Biogas as a market leader who is a pivotal for the green transition.

Se video om Nature Energy som arbejdspladsYou will be part of a 3 x 8-month rotation in each of the following business areas:

  • Business Development
  • Trading and Certificates
  • Procurement
Nature Energy
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Praktisk information
Indrykket: 13 mar 2025
Udløber: 09 apr 2025
Arbejdsområde: Økonomi og regnskab